Joseph Saadeh, Proud of a productive years in career

Executive media producer with over ten years of experience, guiding my team to get the job done within the deadlines. never get enough of studying and improving my skills according to the requirements of my job. I worked in many different fields in my career like news, TV ads, Social media ads, Marketing, etc...

Akram Sbitany and sons LTD is one of my special clients

We have done together over 800 productions, for youtube, social media, and TV cooking shows.. the best production was six seasons of Ramadan cooking show 30 episodes each which I was resposible of shooting, lighting, sound, motion graphics, and editing, it was a one-man show

The Cristian Media Center is also one of the best best clients

We Produced together over 1000 Documentaries and TV news for 18 TV channels and over 50 websites in 7 different languages, as well as motion graphic openings and closing for many programs for Cancao Nova TV in Brazil and TV 2000 in Italy